so i arrived home late late at night ytd with red aching feet.....raahs. thanks to daddy who passed down dunno-wad foot problem thing to me. can't stand for too long...and can't walk for too long either. for some reason..running is okay.
speaking of running...once sch ends..i'm gna start runnig regularly again. whether i die running, is another story altogether.. someone join me??
so about ytd.....silly open house event...
really blows me how ___ wanted us to elaborated design the ugly booth..which still eventually turned out only average-looking to me. simply cos...who in the right mind will fill the darn board with loads of info that the world isn't gonna read?? rraarhs. haha..and so much for making brochures and all.... like practically noone turned up..ha.
and during all of that..i went to hide when the house dances began.. hid in a nice spot where u could see everything but noone could see u.. ((:
in the triton one..but not that i care..cos i don't have a part in their victory...
and so much for 2nd attendance-taking..cos there was none!!! lol. could have gone home earlier..rah!made me do the silly mass dance..looked like a major goon cos i was doing the opposite side from everyone else...super loserfied. LOL.
apart from all those crap....emjay principal..super sportingly got dunked!!
how nice is that?
~she's sitting there.ready.
~and she's all wet now!!
and today....from all the unhealthy munching of ytd and te lack of water...i have got the ugly sore throat. so i stayed home today. ):
i found out today from my mum..that last night...i was totally zombified. i fell asleep in my room with all the lights and radio she woke me up to switch them all off. after giving me the instructions...she walk away..and returned 15mins later to find me still standing at my room door wide-eyed. freaky. i was sleeping standing up..with my eyes wide open. somehow mummy got me back into bed..and i had no clue of all that happened until she told me today.
haha. so if u ever catch me doing weird stuff late at night..maybe i might be doing it subconsciously. scary.
okay so today...suddenly had the mood to cook dinner again...i think i caught it from sasha, the crazy chef-wannabe. haha.
so well..she cooked the pasta with sauce thingy..
i personally thing it looks rather gross...although it tasted fine.
and i made Quiche. dun ask why of all things just came to me. it's like super simple i guess. (:
but the crust turned out bad...i think too much salt added...haha.
oh..and i realised...sketching with my left hand turns out way better that when it's done with my right hand. really interesting. copy drawing..right hand better. free-style and with-the-flow kind of stuff..must use left right..ambidextrous!

~best tomato ever! i was bored...bear with me okay?
alrighties to tmr!! ((:
it's been a good start for the weekend, hope it stays that way.. (:
[when days feel like years..i want my great escape.]