so anyways, my weekend was great. (: it's been a LONG time since i've told anyone that. but ya. it was nice. i thoroughly enjoyed cell. the presence of God was so real and it was there that He really broke me and showed me something new of Himself. (: ahh..i love Him so much. (:
cell had steamboat after that at Tim's house....but then as always i had to leave early again...so i couldn't eat the nice chinese food. haha.
so after cell i left for HARI RAYA VISTING. can u beat that? i mean..me..going for raya visiting...haha. joke. but no.. i have a muslim cousin and niece and grand aunts and the list goes..haha..i dreaded the thought of gg cos i thought usually malay house is like darn packed..like last year..all the noisy kids running around like some wild party thing..but this year..i guess my cousin was wiser and decided to let his wife's BIG family to come in the afternoon and his SMALL family come at night. haha. which was a SUPER GOOD IDEA. more bonding la. cos it was like only 15 plus ppl..then ya. ooh my niece is such a darling! (:
was talking to my uncle about church and stuff..and it was only then that i realised how much his church is going through..so i was like sitting there..giving him 'advice', so to speak..on youth outreach activites and service stuff and all.. (: was pretty cool. and he was so proud of me when i told him that i at times lead worship in cell and all..haha he's some major worship leader at his church. like poor him..he plays for like 3 straight services..oops.
but somehow the food at cousin's house was nice yet not nice. cos ME, i can't take chilli. and practically every dish there had majorly huge amounts of chilli in them. so poor me. lol. i mean i can't say i won't eat anything there cos i'm so-called allergic to chilli. i'll make poor great grand aunty sad. so i obliged and ATE. came home...my stomach was like burning. but still okay la. then sunday was TRAUMATIC. )))': the loo was like my second home for the day.. i almost died waiting for the bus gome ytd..stupid stomach was cramping cos of the acid thing..argh.darn pain. but now it kind of got better. not fully though. praying. (: hais. chilli. WHY!
so i relieved my ice-cream/gelato craving yesterday. ((: NICE. raspberry and darkchoc.was super good i tell u. haha. and well __ kind of gave me new 'revelation' of smthing last night..that really made me think..ALOT. i'm wondering if i really did/am still making it hard for _. i'm sorry if i am. but i dunno what i can possibly do. thanks for being nice all this while tho. (:
sch hol today. but it's still PW-marathon.haha.
current fav song: make me wanna - BLUE
it's kinda old. and okay it's kinda dumb...but oh wells. maybe i'm not that rational afterall.
[ if only the time spent yesterday could be now.
cos i know i how i feel now. (: ]
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