Friday, June 29, 2007
i don't think i'll fail my Alvl oral on wed then.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
it's the END of midyear exams.
i'm so toast.
prepare to see.... U U U and U. DD.
yea. haha. CMI.
mummy says i'm mad. put pressure on myself.
but i'm such a slacker student. if there's no pressure then when's the work gonna be done?
so she finally understands i totally hate what i'm doing now. and that i'm just doing this so i can get what i want next time. that is..IF i meet the requirements to get it la. which is like...dunno whether can also...right.
i looked at the exam papers and i was like.... should have studied more.should have studied MORE.!!! argh. i had no idea what i was writing for both chem and bio. i bet the teachers will just laugh at my answers. it's like 10 marks essay qn and i wrote 5 lines or rubbish. (x2) .
i'll just hope i don't see any single digits in my results. exaggerating? nah. it's possible.
and why do people keep scolding me for wearing my old sneakers?? i know i bought new ones but the old ones are so nice to wear. it's like they've went through 3+ almost 4 years with me....means alot. and yes fine...i'll wash it soon! but just not now. can't be bothered.
back to stinking PW and RnR.
my hol tmr..youth day and e-learning days are so...burned. there's mt oral/listening exam tmr. last minute. then there's mt Alvl oral training tmr(this one i MUST go. or i'll REALLY FAIL). then monday..i know there's something on..but i just can't rmb now..tues there's some sch thing again. wed there's Alvl mt oral. ARGH. so fast. i haven't spoken tamil in ages. i mean i feel weird. No. i've got to pass it. it's like 40%? madness.
ICS(or at least only 6 of us) dinner tonight at dunno where. they're gg out for movie too..but i'm sick of watching movies like surf's up and happy feet and all....abit not entertaining and so predictable one. well that's just me. go watch and enjoy if u want. not stopping u. (:
then there's mini 4N(as in really super mini) gathering tmr... just go out and dunno ice cream i think..haha. YAY. i miss them. (sorries to hanwei for postponing our outing SO MANY TIMES. my bad.)
can't wait for the weekend. there's cell! there is right?? and then there's church. and monday's a HOliDAy. haha. okays.
it's gna be fun Fun FUN!
and then back to sch. NOOO FUUNN! X(
i'm so toast.
prepare to see.... U U U and U. DD.
yea. haha. CMI.
mummy says i'm mad. put pressure on myself.
but i'm such a slacker student. if there's no pressure then when's the work gonna be done?
so she finally understands i totally hate what i'm doing now. and that i'm just doing this so i can get what i want next time. that is..IF i meet the requirements to get it la. which is like...dunno whether can also...right.
i looked at the exam papers and i was like.... should have studied more.should have studied MORE.!!! argh. i had no idea what i was writing for both chem and bio. i bet the teachers will just laugh at my answers. it's like 10 marks essay qn and i wrote 5 lines or rubbish. (x2) .
i'll just hope i don't see any single digits in my results. exaggerating? nah. it's possible.
and why do people keep scolding me for wearing my old sneakers?? i know i bought new ones but the old ones are so nice to wear. it's like they've went through 3+ almost 4 years with me....means alot. and yes fine...i'll wash it soon! but just not now. can't be bothered.
back to stinking PW and RnR.
my hol tmr..youth day and e-learning days are so...burned. there's mt oral/listening exam tmr. last minute. then there's mt Alvl oral training tmr(this one i MUST go. or i'll REALLY FAIL). then monday..i know there's something on..but i just can't rmb now..tues there's some sch thing again. wed there's Alvl mt oral. ARGH. so fast. i haven't spoken tamil in ages. i mean i feel weird. No. i've got to pass it. it's like 40%? madness.
ICS(or at least only 6 of us) dinner tonight at dunno where. they're gg out for movie too..but i'm sick of watching movies like surf's up and happy feet and all....abit not entertaining and so predictable one. well that's just me. go watch and enjoy if u want. not stopping u. (:
then there's mini 4N(as in really super mini) gathering tmr... just go out and dunno ice cream i think..haha. YAY. i miss them. (sorries to hanwei for postponing our outing SO MANY TIMES. my bad.)
can't wait for the weekend. there's cell! there is right?? and then there's church. and monday's a HOliDAy. haha. okays.
it's gna be fun Fun FUN!
and then back to sch. NOOO FUUNN! X(
Sunday, June 24, 2007
was interesting. in short. although i was rather pangseh-ed during.....haha..there were valid reasons. the post-service traditional agenda was kinda spoilt by SOME ppl. but nvm.
we only went to eat. good food.sponsored by SU ANN. well..not exactly..cos i'm treating her the next round..haha.oh wells. so then the usually empty audi was NOT empty. it was NOISY. ): so we didn't stay there. so we worked out our first ever PLAN B. which was..7th floor. right. then mummy wanted me home. so much for the last sunday before school reopens.
NOT really excited for sch..cos there're EXAMS!!! which i haven't studied for. don't be smart and question me on what i've been actually doing for the hols. so like chem is tmr and i've only covered 2 out of 4 topics..BRIEFLY. yay me. mug tonight. and tmr morning till paper 1.
for once i'm happy that i'm not fretting over exams. haha. but is that good? i dunno.
YOUR eyecandy was up there the WHOLE time.
and you just SAT in your seat.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
okays. so there's something wrong.
well there's always something wrong.
it's whether u think about and talk about it and be mad about it OR not.
i choose the not option.
so then. waiting/dating class.
was alright. haha. tt's bout all u'd hear from me.
so right. i'm sick. well at least i was sick till i thought i was better on fri night and didn't take my medicine this morning. so now. i'm kind of sore in the throat..again. for the 5th time in the year. and it's only the 6th month. craps. for some weird reason i've been rejecting food all day. like here i am. hungry. but i don't feel like eating. so weird! okay..if u know me well enough...u'd agree that tt's weird. rite? haha.
so right now i'm like on this no junk food diet. which is really gonna be terribly difficult!!! this then tells u how much of a pig i am. heh. but yah. and no. my parents' were not the ones who initiated. it was ME. i'm now a convicted pig. oh man, that sounds so crap. o.O
and it just HAS to be the day i CAN'T make it coz i've got combined zone meeting! which is a good thing of course. but also not good coz i DON'T get to be IN the picture.only get to SEE the picture. and i'll MISS the GREAT chances of seeing my GREAT budds there. and all the not-too-fantastic-but-still-okay kind of teachers. and all the weirdo seniors and more. haha. HOW!!!!???
everyone's going(i think)! haha. but i don't think everyone knows. cos i din know till like not too long ago. haha. apparently an email was sent out. but wasn't forwarded as requested by the sender. ARGH. haha.
oh wells. we'll see. if i should be there..there'll be a way. if not..then TOO BAD SHERNI!!! haas.
why am i so hard on myself?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
spring cleaning!(okay so it's not exactly spring..)
when Daddy gets a day off...or when he's on leave from just means 2 things:
and oh! the shirt i bought online...... it's like's micro sized... LOL. so i gave it to my sis. haha. so much for online shopping. hahaha. nvm. i'm blessing my sis who needs stuff as much as i do. she looks nice in that colour anyway..haha.
1. spring cleaning
2. a family outing
so i distanced myself from the whole spring cleaning of the storeroom project..cos the dust gets to me. rash. or swollen eyes. or a bad throat. argh.
anyways...from all the unwanted and long-stored items... daddy found....
FUDGEPOT!! my lovely little hedgehog. ((:
to add to that..he picked out my long lost pri school eraser collection..LOLs. it looked so cute.
to think i was so free and fascinated by those little things....i think i had like 3 whole pencilcases full..but i gave the other 2 away to my budds..hahaha..still can't imagine i did such things. haha.
well eraser collection
(well 1/3 of it at least)..
and oh! the shirt i bought online...... it's like's micro sized... LOL. so i gave it to my sis. haha. so much for online shopping. hahaha. nvm. i'm blessing my sis who needs stuff as much as i do. she looks nice in that colour anyway..haha.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
i was boredified. i was sleeping while the rest cut paper.
went back to school to cut paper..cut more paper..and stick paper..
and tell ppl that I HAVE a laminating machine.
that a photocopier can paste 3 of the same picture on one page AT THE SAME TIME.
that u can use a big piece of plastic as a long ruler.
that ALOT OF GREEN doesn't really make things look nice.
that i was gonna pangseh them at 12 noon to watch movie with Ann instead. HAHA.
i bet they hated me for the moment.
and so i did.
not like i cared anyway. oops. haha.
FANTASTIC FOUR wasn't exactly fantastic. but okay la.
Ann thought JOHNNY was hot....lolsi think the effects could have been better. the nice parts were just the villain chases i guess.
and the car crashes and the bombs exploding. yea tt's about it.
and oh yes..the part where they swapped their powers. LOL.
then we walked around for preparation of SOMEONE'S BIG WEDDING.
haha. and we walked more aimlessly...till mummy asked my to buy groceries. haha.
head for NTUC. auntie's favourite spots.
carry the GREEN basket and walk around hardly being able to carry all the stuff...
i need more muscles. >.<
in the end..i reached home feeling all aunty-fied from all the carrying...walking home all the way from tanah merah MRT. powerful.
too bad we din have a camera to capture the aunty moments.
i'll remember next time.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
haah..father's day dinner ytd at auntie's place.
met my cousin's bf for the first time. sorry to say...he's so ugly.
although he's smart and rich..not very tall..dark..or handsome.. lol.
met my cousin's bf for the first time. sorry to say...he's so ugly.
although he's smart and rich..not very tall..dark..or handsome.. lol.
i saboed him through all the games we played.
i think he hates me.
to think i need to go over to bombay for a 3-day wedding next year.
but there's good food!!
so i dun mind.
i saboed him through all the games we played.
i think he hates me.
to think i need to go over to bombay for a 3-day wedding next year.
but there's good food!!
so i dun mind.
my sis and my lil cousin under the strawberry umbrella
all the cousins and one nice aunt
bought my daddy a tie. and then paid for mandy's belt and mx's wallet for their dads too.
i became mummy sherni for 10 mins while in the cashier queue. ee. hahah.
can't wait for my new shirt to arrive! it's cmg tmr!! LOL.
i love my ice cream sessions with ANN.
it satisfies my cravings.
bought my guitar string finally.
can strum that wood thing after so long.
i'm finally mugging now.
praise Jesus..all those stuff i never understood..they are at long last sticking in my head!
i can memorise successfully!!
honor God and He will honor you!
bought my daddy a tie. and then paid for mandy's belt and mx's wallet for their dads too.
i became mummy sherni for 10 mins while in the cashier queue. ee. hahah.
can't wait for my new shirt to arrive! it's cmg tmr!! LOL.
i love my ice cream sessions with ANN.
it satisfies my cravings.
bought my guitar string finally.
can strum that wood thing after so long.
i'm finally mugging now.
praise Jesus..all those stuff i never understood..they are at long last sticking in my head!
i can memorise successfully!!
honor God and He will honor you!
Friday, June 15, 2007
oh wells. back to plain ol' s'pore. the stress-filled land protruding out of the sea. the land full of taxes and fines. the land that currently has the GSS! and the land God's gonna use mightily to touch the other nations!
church camp was awesome!! i mean every church camp is la. but this year's one has been extra special for me..cos..well.... hmm... haha
like always staying awake during the morning sessions was a great challenge not only for me..but for the rest as well... to think i felt bad almost falling asleep during prayer while ah lee sat at the aisle and slept like he was in bed. like the whole world can see la. lol. anyways..the sessions were really impacting..i liked the Sarah Yang's ones the best... she reminds me of me. LOL. the way she preach is like..she talk..then think awhile..then talk..haha..and like got no focus in her jump everywhere and flow in the spirit kind. and she was really down-to-earth and real. so easy to absorb and relate. YUP.
her workshop was powerful at the end they had this altar call thing..and wah u can really feel the fire of God. cos at the seat was like freezer..and in the front my back was like burning like behind me got i was sweating like some pig there..wanted to like just take off my jacket but so i left it..then caleb came and prayed..i mean he has no idea who i am but he prayed that i would be a great Deborah! like wah man..EVERY year..all the people who prophesy say the SAME thing. so i'm like tellin God can u tell me something else..instead of the same one every year.. but it happened again here. so i'm like FINE! just tell me what to do and i'll do it. enough 'nagging' in a sense. lol.
but seriously..more than all the sessions and fellowship and all... what i enjoyed most was just being in God's presence all throughout the day... i learnt so much about Him..and it's like i've always asked God for special encounters during regular QTs at home... and then pst Daniel said..God says He wants to too. so i'm all set. LOL
camwhoring was fun! lol. sorry bout the lingo. but it's the most appropriate term i can use. haha.
taking crazee shots of nothing and us being lame. i totally missed out on chance of taking those nice artistic those from the nice secret staircase. haiya.
i miss the bed and shower there. so nice. haha. ok. enough bout camp. too many stuff to if u wanna know more just ask me. i'll tell u over a meal. talking bout food was a disappointment.......... i was under-eating terribly... that explains for all the teatime chocolate indulgence!!!! fantastico!! but it kinda made us all feel like puking cos it was too nice. LOL

good bonding with the cell girls.. loved it. kudos to Samuel Chua.... he's growing strong in God. Press on yea!
can't wait for all that's gonna happen in time to come!
Jesus loves me and so do I Him!
Do you?
church camp was awesome!! i mean every church camp is la. but this year's one has been extra special for me..cos..well.... hmm... haha
like always staying awake during the morning sessions was a great challenge not only for me..but for the rest as well... to think i felt bad almost falling asleep during prayer while ah lee sat at the aisle and slept like he was in bed. like the whole world can see la. lol. anyways..the sessions were really impacting..i liked the Sarah Yang's ones the best... she reminds me of me. LOL. the way she preach is like..she talk..then think awhile..then talk..haha..and like got no focus in her jump everywhere and flow in the spirit kind. and she was really down-to-earth and real. so easy to absorb and relate. YUP.
her workshop was powerful at the end they had this altar call thing..and wah u can really feel the fire of God. cos at the seat was like freezer..and in the front my back was like burning like behind me got i was sweating like some pig there..wanted to like just take off my jacket but so i left it..then caleb came and prayed..i mean he has no idea who i am but he prayed that i would be a great Deborah! like wah man..EVERY year..all the people who prophesy say the SAME thing. so i'm like tellin God can u tell me something else..instead of the same one every year.. but it happened again here. so i'm like FINE! just tell me what to do and i'll do it. enough 'nagging' in a sense. lol.
but seriously..more than all the sessions and fellowship and all... what i enjoyed most was just being in God's presence all throughout the day... i learnt so much about Him..and it's like i've always asked God for special encounters during regular QTs at home... and then pst Daniel said..God says He wants to too. so i'm all set. LOL
camwhoring was fun! lol. sorry bout the lingo. but it's the most appropriate term i can use. haha.
taking crazee shots of nothing and us being lame. i totally missed out on chance of taking those nice artistic those from the nice secret staircase. haiya.
i miss the bed and shower there. so nice. haha. ok. enough bout camp. too many stuff to if u wanna know more just ask me. i'll tell u over a meal. talking bout food was a disappointment.......... i was under-eating terribly... that explains for all the teatime chocolate indulgence!!!! fantastico!! but it kinda made us all feel like puking cos it was too nice. LOL
good bonding with the cell girls.. loved it. kudos to Samuel Chua.... he's growing strong in God. Press on yea!
can't wait for all that's gonna happen in time to come!
Jesus loves me and so do I Him!
Do you?
Saturday, June 09, 2007
not again!!
once again another tragic ending to a pretty saturday.
it's like EVERY saturday night something totally screws up.
it's driving me nuts.
last week was some emo prob i had.
today it's even worse.
some moron smashed my aunt's car windows and ran off with my sister's bag.
i mean of all things..ONLY ran off with that.
a rugged-looking adidas backpack. my ex-schoolbag. argh.
take something that belongs to a kid?
so what's in there that's important is like her wallet and the set of house keys.
and her wallet is like less than a week old. poor kid.
she's so traumatized.
ok not only her.
cos it's like an extended family bday dinner gathering thing..ending like like tragic.
so there's this whole bunch of traumatized adults with 2 crying kids.
hais. God, convict the stealer....oh wait no. wrong. convict the thief. i mean seriously. he's not gna get much out of that ugly bag. there's just coloured paper, an old tee shirt and shorts in the bag. with the wallet with only $2 and lots of sentimental cards..and there's the keys.
it's a kid's bag for goodness sake.
it's no wonder i had this weird feeling during the whole service just now. like something's up and wrong. i should've called to check on things. ARGH. why didn't i??!!
sherni. just do things when u feel like it!! cos most of the time ur 'intuition thing' is like right!!
my fault? ): robber's fault!!!!!
nvm. we'll leave it. and trust that no one will break into my house using the keys while we're at church tmr. and that the person will kindly return the bag and it's stuff to the police after realizing that what they stole is totally worthless.
why is it that my sister's stuff always get stolen? the last time was a bottle of her savings amounting to like $80. i mean someone who came to my house...a friend..imagine a friend doing such a thing to ur sibling. disgusting. then there was this time at a hotel..some kid stole her toy...aiyo....
it's like EVERY saturday night something totally screws up.
it's driving me nuts.
last week was some emo prob i had.
today it's even worse.
some moron smashed my aunt's car windows and ran off with my sister's bag.
i mean of all things..ONLY ran off with that.
a rugged-looking adidas backpack. my ex-schoolbag. argh.
take something that belongs to a kid?
so what's in there that's important is like her wallet and the set of house keys.
and her wallet is like less than a week old. poor kid.
she's so traumatized.
ok not only her.
cos it's like an extended family bday dinner gathering thing..ending like like tragic.
so there's this whole bunch of traumatized adults with 2 crying kids.
hais. God, convict the stealer....oh wait no. wrong. convict the thief. i mean seriously. he's not gna get much out of that ugly bag. there's just coloured paper, an old tee shirt and shorts in the bag. with the wallet with only $2 and lots of sentimental cards..and there's the keys.
it's a kid's bag for goodness sake.
it's no wonder i had this weird feeling during the whole service just now. like something's up and wrong. i should've called to check on things. ARGH. why didn't i??!!
sherni. just do things when u feel like it!! cos most of the time ur 'intuition thing' is like right!!
my fault? ): robber's fault!!!!!
nvm. we'll leave it. and trust that no one will break into my house using the keys while we're at church tmr. and that the person will kindly return the bag and it's stuff to the police after realizing that what they stole is totally worthless.
why is it that my sister's stuff always get stolen? the last time was a bottle of her savings amounting to like $80. i mean someone who came to my house...a friend..imagine a friend doing such a thing to ur sibling. disgusting. then there was this time at a hotel..some kid stole her toy...aiyo....
Friday, June 08, 2007
so yesterday was mummy's bday but i totally din do anything special for her. except that the first thing i did when i woke up was wish her happy bday. i guess that in itself was a big surprise for her. cos i haven't remembered anyone's bday since term 2 sorries to the ppl out there who were victims of my forgetfulness.
anyway, mummy and daddy left for God-knows-where-in-the-world last night. so now i'm stuck at home with my look-alike. come to think of it, i think i prefer it when my parents are home. i mean it's only like 18 hrs since their leave...and i'm already feeling weird. there's a list of stuff to do..which i obviously haven't done. then there's mealtimes to worry about. and i've got to deal with 11yr old syndromes. bonding? i don't think so.
good patience development i guess. and doing chores a home is like exercizing without even leaving the house. my dad's a clean freak. so everything has to be sparkling clean when he returns or else...
i dunno why. but somehow this year..i don't find myself looking forward to camp. weird, i know. hais. maybe it's just cos i've got so much stuff on my to-do list. and it's all cos of the silly rnr thing. why did i join it?
i mean's cos i wanna help the kids and all but's eating up my energy and time. nvm. must pull through it.
anyway, mummy and daddy left for God-knows-where-in-the-world last night. so now i'm stuck at home with my look-alike. come to think of it, i think i prefer it when my parents are home. i mean it's only like 18 hrs since their leave...and i'm already feeling weird. there's a list of stuff to do..which i obviously haven't done. then there's mealtimes to worry about. and i've got to deal with 11yr old syndromes. bonding? i don't think so.
good patience development i guess. and doing chores a home is like exercizing without even leaving the house. my dad's a clean freak. so everything has to be sparkling clean when he returns or else...
i dunno why. but somehow this year..i don't find myself looking forward to camp. weird, i know. hais. maybe it's just cos i've got so much stuff on my to-do list. and it's all cos of the silly rnr thing. why did i join it?
i mean's cos i wanna help the kids and all but's eating up my energy and time. nvm. must pull through it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
just leave me can?
there are times when i just don't feel like eating. normal right?? no, i'm not dieting. no, i don't have an eating disorder. i just got no appetite. what's the big deal? when i dun eat... kenna scolding. when i eat slightly more than normal..u call me a pig.
when i talk, u say i talk rubbish. so fine. i shut up. then kenna questioned why i'm being so silent.
when i dun get enuf rest kenna scolded. say it's unhealthy. sure get sick one. when i do get 8 hrs of rest. say i'm lazy.sleep so much.
when i get angry, say i give attitude.say i'm rude. when i'm normal, ask why i'm being so good.
when i dont do chores..i'm irresponsible and not helping out. when i do them, i'm trying to suck up??
then still wan say..what's the point of spending so much time in difference anyway.
it's like everything also wrong la.
now then, what's the point about being good..when while being horrible i get the same treatment?
no logic.
talk about character building.
my gosh.
go think first can?
aahs. now back to mugging. can't wait to go back to school. it'll keep me sane.
all this staying at home for more than 8 hrs a day is like weird.
i've got so much stuff to do. yet i'm bored.
and i guess that takes a toll on my brain. it's like only half-functioning.
so i'm back here writing crap cos well..i'm bored.
seriously got nth to write.
there are times when i just don't feel like eating. normal right?? no, i'm not dieting. no, i don't have an eating disorder. i just got no appetite. what's the big deal? when i dun eat... kenna scolding. when i eat slightly more than normal..u call me a pig.
when i talk, u say i talk rubbish. so fine. i shut up. then kenna questioned why i'm being so silent.
when i dun get enuf rest kenna scolded. say it's unhealthy. sure get sick one. when i do get 8 hrs of rest. say i'm lazy.sleep so much.
when i get angry, say i give attitude.say i'm rude. when i'm normal, ask why i'm being so good.
when i dont do chores..i'm irresponsible and not helping out. when i do them, i'm trying to suck up??
then still wan say..what's the point of spending so much time in difference anyway.
it's like everything also wrong la.
now then, what's the point about being good..when while being horrible i get the same treatment?
no logic.
talk about character building.
my gosh.
go think first can?
aahs. now back to mugging. can't wait to go back to school. it'll keep me sane.
all this staying at home for more than 8 hrs a day is like weird.
i've got so much stuff to do. yet i'm bored.
and i guess that takes a toll on my brain. it's like only half-functioning.
so i'm back here writing crap cos well..i'm bored.
seriously got nth to write.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
was so bothered ytd. actually not yesterday. but for a few weeks. lol. decided to collate stuff. so free hor? i spent the night just writing my 2-page filled notebook thingy.
like this..and more.... u can't see much cos of the bad lighting and bad ant-sized handwriting.
but anyways. it's not nice to be kaypo.

it's kinda dark cos i was only writing wif my table lamp on. LOL. call me crazy.
but really...
like this..and more.... u can't see much cos of the bad lighting and bad ant-sized handwriting.
but anyways. it's not nice to be kaypo.

it's kinda dark cos i was only writing wif my table lamp on. LOL. call me crazy.
but really...

Friday, June 01, 2007
went SHOPPING yesterday. CAR SHOPPING!!!
man it was so fun. lol. i mean i realised so many new things. the things companies do to cheat ppl of their money. and the things worth paying for in a super nice car. LOL.
first went to the Nissan showroom. i had this mindset that Nissan cars are apek cars. so kept telling my dad not to go there. lol. but turned out the cars aren't apek-kind at all. except for one la. the sunny ex-saloon. CMI. super CMI.
this is the latio sedan/latio premium model. they look almost exactly the same la. except there's major interior and performance difference. and they're like about $3k apart. so here:
latio sedan:
New aluminium HR15DE engine
Class-leading spaciousness
Intelligent key system featuring keyless entry and engine ignition
Immobilizer system
Fully automatic air-con system with Plasmacluster Ion feature
Foot operated parking brake
Kenwood radio cassette MP3 head unit with 10-piece CD changer and 4 Nissan genuine speakers
Dual airbags
Electronic Brake-force Distribution system (EBD)
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Brake Assist (BA)
New aluminium HR15DE engine
Class-leading spaciousness
Intelligent key system featuring keyless entry and engine ignition
Immobilizer system
Fully automatic air-con system with Plasmacluster Ion feature
Foot operated parking brake
Kenwood radio cassette MP3 head unit with 10-piece CD changer and 4 Nissan genuine speakers
Dual airbags
Electronic Brake-force Distribution system (EBD)
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Brake Assist (BA)
latio premium :
New aluminium HR15DE engine
Class-leading spaciousness
Extronic CVT
Intelligent key system featuring keyless entry and engine ignition
Immobilizer system
Leather/alcantara combination upholstery
Fully automatic air-con system with Plasmacluster Ion feature
Foot operated parking brake
Front fog lamps
Auto-light system
15-inch sports rims (locally-fitted)
Kenwood radio cassette MP3 head unit with 10-piece CD changer and 6 Nissan genuine speakers
Dual airbags
Electronic Brake-force Distribution system (EBD)
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Brake Assist (BA)
New aluminium HR15DE engine
Class-leading spaciousness
Extronic CVT
Intelligent key system featuring keyless entry and engine ignition
Immobilizer system
Leather/alcantara combination upholstery
Fully automatic air-con system with Plasmacluster Ion feature
Foot operated parking brake
Front fog lamps
Auto-light system
15-inch sports rims (locally-fitted)
Kenwood radio cassette MP3 head unit with 10-piece CD changer and 6 Nissan genuine speakers
Dual airbags
Electronic Brake-force Distribution system (EBD)
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Brake Assist (BA)
and not only that. when u drive right...wah super nice la.
there's overdrive and some dunno what S function thingy. LOL.
and my dad was driving like some race-car driver. and the car dealer was telling me my dad was a drifter. JOKE! but really..he think he's so pro la. my gosh. haha.
so compare these with this:
this is the sylphy.
slightly more ex. has nicer features. me..has a terrible driving feel.
so it's like u pay more for luxury but then while driving can feel the gear change. wad's the point rite? u're supposed to pay more not to feel the change. hais. but obviously this one got so much interior space!!! like 5 ppl can sit behind without feeling squashed.
haha i think the intelligent key system thing's really cool. it's like if ur hands are busy and the keys are in ur pocket. just press some black button on the handle and the car unlocks. haha. ok enough bout this.
after test driving like 3 cars. went to toyota. tot of buying altis i think. personally i never liked toyota. but just went along there to make daddy happy. after seeing nissan cars. toyota just couldn't compare. somehow u pay more for a less sleek and less sophisticated car. it's so simple la. like nothing fancy or interesting. it's like a BASIC model. and u pay more!! eeyer.
and like the new vios..the one that comes in 3 different models, J,E and G..pathetic.
the model we bought 2 years's better than all 3 of those combined. and to think selling this car would be such a big waste. cos it's better than whatever's there now! irritating eh. and is gonna be paying us less for our car compared to some others. so weird. and we thought being loyal customers would give us an extra edge. craps.
haha but i think car shopping's more fun than regular shopping. helped daddy make good decisions. ((:
yay. then we went shopping for me. haha. yay. but so tiring. that's why i hate shopping. internet shopping's far more convenient. shop sitting down. pay by internet transaction and the stuff gets delivered to you. i mean..that is if u don't mind not trying on stuff before buying them. but not advised for safe shoppers who dun like taking risks. lol.
my account's draining. must sell more. lol.
i just realised. i had this buying-and-selling thing in me since primary school days. LOL. used to sell my stuff and i would buy my friends' stuff and so on. so cool eh.
haha so now all i've got left to buy are : 1 jacket. 1 pair of slippers. 1 new pair of specs. (: