Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

it's actually a typical chick flick..which is so not my type..but i enjoyed the movie (excluding the mushy bits)....somehow..at least it shows that some people actually do take marriage seriously..unlike the vast majority...dunno la...i liked the part where the 2 sisters patch up..it's so super nice..
i mean so often..we have our own conclusions of people already edged into our minds..but little do we know that we've actually got it all wrong....that people are really not what they appear to be..and there's so much more we've yet to discover of them..so ya..take time to really get to know anyone before passing your judgements..it's worth the effort. (:
and another thing. i mean..generally....(if you don't think it's true then forget it)..
you aren't close to someone just cos you do alot of things together.
and you can't say u're close to someone cos u talk alot and share lots of stuff with them.
i seriously think it just goes beyond talking and hanging out together.
it's true..that's the way u build up the friendship..but it doesn't hold the friendship together.
perhaps i'm really in no position to comment on such things... but ohwells..
it irks me when people misuse the terms best friend..close friend..friend..aquaintance.
do realise they're different. categorise people appropriately and maybe we wouldn't get hurt as often as when we don't.
and also... personally, i don't think just cos u're someone's best friend..u can totally run the person's life for them...they need space too..seriously..
but anyhow..these are just what i feel...don't get me wrong.. (:
tmr will be one free day...
all e best to the competition ppl!
no pressure.
then there's cell.
and there's sunday!
"i paid 3 grands for that dress....i have the right to wear it anywhere i want."
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Leanne Simpson

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I am √-1 (square root of negative 1).
I bet u never knew that.
Ever tried to exercise patience and felt like a total fool??
Or tried to stay awake during monotonous eecawns lectures without hitting ur head at the back of the chair?
Perhaps u’ve tried doing binomial theorem with sticky candy-melted fingers, using a pen that looks pretty but has mood swings?
Or maybe tried to write a detailed reflection speech about an activity u conducted like 7 months ago..assuming u didn’t have a good memory?
Have u ever had the privilege of dealing with people who love u so much that they unknowingly paralyse u with love-torture?
My wonderful day in short.
School’s awesome.
Puts u in weird spots.
Teaches u to shove those in ur way.
Helps u achieve much dissatisfaction.
Apart from the fuss…
I finally get to see her after SO long!!
Plus s*tar’s party’s cmg up!!!
And so is IGNITED. (:
The book riten by the retarded people is reeli fun to reed becaws their English is unik and yet veri expresif. I still have a hundred pajes befor I finish the whole book..it’s trajic how the story ends with the retarded man becoming smart..but then dies dew to faylure and complicasions in siense and tecnolojy. This shows that you cannot trust man and his ways but trust God in everything!
I am.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
i think i must really really miss home-cooked food.
i don't believe i forgo-ed lunching out with wonderful ppl ytd...for grandma's fried rice.
haha. it's amazing how i reached home at 1150am from sch ytd.hahah.yeah.
so i stayed and rested till night mtg last night.
and honestly..i was totally lost. i had no idea what she was talking about. or at least what was going on. it just felt weird. like kind of out of place.
maybe it's cos i didn't like pray and prepare myself before coming...and like it was tougher to get into the flow...or maybe it's cos i was tired...
so i decided to just forget about not understanding whatever she was talking about and just get in with God...
and like i have no idea how long i did that but like along the way i found myself staring into a pair of eyes. and at that moment i had no doubt who's they were. it's like..u just know for sure.
they just make ur heart melt...and that assurance and security returns. okay this is just hard to express. lol.
was chatting with a friend in sch..and she was telling me how old people know when they're about to die.and how her grandma waited till her family was in a stable condition and then passed on. and that totally freaked me out.
someone please explain all of that to me..the whys and hows..i'm new at this..
arggh. i'm feeling kind of sick at this moment. it's the system-shutting-down feeling. lol.
probably due to the lack of sleep within the week.
i'ts crazy how i just want to be in a horizontal position throughout the day. haha.
cell later at william's.
and mtg again tonight.
i don't want to be lost again.
i said hi and asked a silly qn.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
my pencilcase is so totally full of them.
i only have currently one working pen
cos i lost all the new nice ones while lending them to ppl
and it's like sometimes u want to say or write some things..but when you actually get down to doing it..it's like your muse has deserted you.
i must certainly not keep this up. it's not working.
serious champagne chocolate craving now.
anyways...one thing i've learnt (and help others to learn too) from school this week:
the truth will set u free!
i mean so many times we hear it in church and it gets set in our hearts.
apart from like bible truth and all...i think often times people (or maybe it's just in my circle of friends or smthing)...find it so choking to say exactly what's on their mind.
and i know for sure i managed to overcome that recently...
we try expressing things but there's still some hidden content.
perhaps it's fear of being confronted or rejected or somewhere along that line...
(okay this is getting weird cos i don't usually blog these stuff)
anyhow...i managed to prove some people totally wrong this week.
it was hard to say it all in one go..but as i progressed...and definitely asked the Holy Spirit to help me say it all out using the right words....the meeting/conversation ended pretty smoothly and i certainly felt better...and well..yes...disbelief was pretty much written all over their faces. that was of course a much expected response to whatever i said.
well truly enough...it was all well received and no one got upset or anything..and they too realised that if they had said things like this much earlier before..more things would've been done differently and none of us would've needed to suffer in silence for such a long time!
and silly me thought all along i was the only one who was feeling that way..hahah.
now we know.
dun be a moron and take up space on earth and suffer in our own little miserable corner when nothing explosive will take place if you'd just open your mouth. but of course..add grace to your words as well. (:
off to satisfy the champange chocolate craving....
i love the weekend-feeling. haha.
Monday, January 07, 2008
i'm glad to say that i'm enjoying sch.
5breaks in a day is great.
but i catch myself stoning too often. HAHA
haven't really got attached to class yet...actually i'm confused on who's even my classmate.
it was after attending the most unlikely series of lectures that i seriously got a clearer picture of where my interests lie...and what kind of a person i am.
i realised i was never wrong about how i perceived myself..but possibly went wrong in the way i tried to express who i really was/am.
so now that i know...got to either shutup or sieve out alot of things..cos i realise that alot of times ppl just dun care bout the stuff u say..no matter how serious,true or wacky it is.
irritating proposals still bug me after a 2mth break...but ohwells..managed to give someone a piece of my mind. hopefully things work out better after this.
and veepees are irritating people. RAAHSS.
not looking forward to rigorous mugging...but i guess i dun have a choice really..
just be who i am...do things with excellence..and impact people? lol.
peacock feathers.
peacock feathers.
peacock feathers.
dun like.
dun like.
dun like.
it's like i see ehhhs.. drives me nuts.
if only it'll close down.
or at least kick me out so i can join smthing more productive.
my energy is being thoroughly wasted on stuff i'm so not passionate about.
but whatever.
try and make a difference wherever i am.
but it's hard.
God be with me. seriously.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
that kind of explains my hyper mood right now.
so like sch officially began yesterday.
and like that was the start of orientation.
and i was like...no..not another one..2's enough alr.
but i still went anyways.
was pretty alright.
i mean..the hype was there.
seriously...i have never seen emjay ppl so enthu and crazy before.
met my class.
had fun with them.
the atmosphere was so super different. and that's a good thing btw.
i finally understood the convenience of having short straight hair.
(: ooh ah..feels good. LOL
but it kind of got wet yesterday cos i walked under this thingy that didn't hold water properly..and this water droplet landed on my head and i started freaking out...haha..but even though my hair kind of got bent..it didn't look too bad..
and no. i do not have an obsession with my hair. pbhht. Xp
so now i'm like enjoying every moment spent at home..while everyone else is at sch.
yay. long weekend. return on monday! (:
okay this is a must-say kind of thing:
was at mandy's house for new year...and she opened some present or something..
sherni: hey that looks nice...
mandy: yea i like it cos the colours very vibrating.