i feel super terrible. i gave them all out. i expected a response. none came. why? i can't be the problem. i did my best. it has to be them. right? rah. and why do people i know have so many things on..tuition and more tuition. fine i dunt have any and i'm struggling and yah..i'd probably get some soon..but yah..shouldn't they ever have a rest day?? poor them. rah. not good.
yesterday's farewell was so...WAH!! din expect such a celebration. ha. i felt bad receiving all the stuff. ha. but they were so nice. thank you all!! :)) and the gi-normous ice cream cake..the teachers were great..but so ex..and my juniors are in debt now..ha. and funds are negative..haha..but not my problem anymore..haha..
today's racial harmony day..so fun!!! but poor us has to change so many times..after assembly has pe..so change then after that change back and after sch change again..wah..so hot i tell u...ha..but so fun..take so many pics..and yah..took one with mrs lim..she's so funny..she wore so many outfits in a day..baju kurong and qipao....fashion show..she calls it.ha. i felt super weird with my cheongsam la..like super exposed la..i walk that time fine lah..wah..when i sit ah..ok..i shall stop there. so malu lah. ha. i kept being called china waitress.wadever. haha. and all..i mean ALL the sec 4 indian pupils wore sari...like so eee..everyone wear..and some looked abit..nvm..so i wanted to be extraded..and knowing me..i'm not really into this indian cuture thing..can't stand it actually..haha..call me nuts but yah. my tamil teacher was like ' everyone wear sari k?' and i was all..haha..NEVER. told them i was gg to wear chinese..haha..and as usual they said i was cheenafied. i didn't care. haha. so ranjani and I wore chinese and haha..we were sort of discriminated..but who cares. it was racial harmony day..not for you to wear your own ethnic outift right?? haha.. SO FUN!!!! haha. :))
I PASSED CHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TERRIBLY OVERJOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(^-^)
somehow the image that hanwei posted in my mind didn't match what i found.
haha so funny..
dun say anything..just zip...haha ..shhh!heyyy..i was bored okaay..
CGSS for CHRIST!!!!!!! i dunt care what it takes.
finally i feel that i'm not that chemistry-stupid afterall..haha.. i may actually for once after 12 months, pass the test.. ha..but if i don't ..yes..i can officailly say that i am such a loser when it comes to chem. haha..not like i am not one now. bwaha. anw, if not a loser in school..then i'm an * person at home..in a sense.. i can finally experience the long-awaited season of invisibility. where no one bothers about u..call me nuts..but right now..it's the best position to be in. it's a cold life within those few walls...
sometimes i wonder if i go to school just to get stressed..being at home's bad enough!! can't stand it already..i totally dread going home after school nowadays.. would any parent ask u not to study when you're studying..just to do stupid housework???! hello..ppl here having test and mugging and u tell them not to study..wad kind of rubbish la..so many times this week i seriously felt like disappearing into some opening in the ground..or some portal in the sky..haha..but yah...can't. just wanted to escape from stuff and go on without the fuss of those stuff bugging you all the time..been feeling really pessimistic about everything except studying..which is rather weird..haha..i'm finally getting the hang of mugging chem and stuff are finally getting into my head..but i keep being stopped just to do stuff around the house.! i want my own room where i can lock myself from the 'outside-of-my-room' world..and just be alone..but i cant..and dunt think i'll be getting one anytime soon enough b4 Os..this totally bites. non-condusive studying areas are found in my house..nothing useful..there has to be a change..!!!!!!!!!!! sick of it...if i could..i'd even say i hate it. i realise why people say home is not as sweet as it sounds..that..is so true now. =((( argh. ugh. shoots.
waaaaaaaah!! i actually managed 3hrs of chem without passing out! ahaha..that.. to me..is the most incredible thing for today! haha..i'm so crazee.. and i'm so proud of my note..i can finally say that i'm getting down to studying..that so crap..but ya..haha..i can't stop saying it..i've started on chem..one reason is probably cos..chem test is on fri..but only mcqs..so ya..i'm thoroughly amazed at myself..woohoo!! haha.. i seriously think i'm nuts today..must be too much rum and raisin chocolates..haha.. and sweets and stuff..haha..
woah!!! yesterday's fire conference was power-packed man! like the youth session(if that's wad it's called) was so waah!!! should've been there to see it..3000 youths praising God at the indoor stadium...!!! so cool..and the vision for the future? gen to take over the indoor stadium!! 1000 by dec and more next yr!!! haha..i'm so excited..yet i know that means there's going to be alot..ALOT of work involved..i mean like..no pain no gain right?first i shall start with OBD! 29 july 06! (i seriously hope i can make it and don't have stinking violin exam practise session on that day..that'll be so bad..so totally bad). 3pm..afternoon..much better than going shopping right? hmm..? 1000 youths being radical for Christ..what can be more awesome..? haha.. i'm seriously fired up..but still it seems like my fire is slowly being dimmed by the stresses of school! shoots. for this i'll hate school..other than that..it's fine.. my prayer business better grow if i want to see fruit..so yah..i'll be busy..both studying and praying..haha..can't be relaxed anymore..*sobs* haha..so yah..better get back to doing amaths..haha..*