Thursday, November 01, 2007

END OF PW!!!!!!!

haha that's the most awesomest thing ever!!!
u know they asked a qn to THE PIG today : would u say that u and you group have produced quality work?

and THE PIG answers: YES. because we have good information gathering.

she's supposed to say we put so much effort into planning and visualising how the stupid exhibition is supposed to turn out and that we made great pains to create the 3D models of each individual activity that all who see may understand what our ideas are..she's so full of crap..

the teacher like spent 10 mins asking her like 3 diff qns cos she doesn't answer to the point..she went one whole round and nv answered. loser. boooo.

haha ohwells. too bad. i'm worried my answers were too short. cos she only asked me why i chose this groundbreaker over the others..and what i have personally learnt from the groundbreaker. surprisingly the answer for the first qn was like stuck in my head the whole day today..for some weird reason i had the strangest feeling i was gna get asked that qn. which is like totally cool. but then answer too short..haha. but i guess the examiners were satisfied with a short direct one. LOL.

so much about 3D model activities for exhibition. i'll give u now another run through the exhibition..OP style. LOL.

promoters will wear this shirt and walk around the exhibiton. how cool is that??? that's ariff bongso on the shirt btw..and not lim kim san.!!

this is the preview room before entering the exhibition : video galaxy. got 3 screens - left, right and one on the floor.. then ppl go inside can see floorplan and brief videos once they go inside they not so blurr..haha. see the light bulbs??!! cool right!! haha

this is the stage for the talks that the fellow's gna give..haha..the black guy's the one. then there's a podium...a light bulb again...a projector and screen..haha and frilly stuff to make it look like a stage.

this is like the crappiest billboard i've seen. guess who did it? THE PIG. and she complained to do this. raahs. ok nvm. not important.

this is like THE highlight of the whole exhibition..we took ages to do this up. simulation ride..shaped like a cell. so u go inside climb the ladder...then sit on the red chairs..buckle up then then lid will close..and the movie will play and the whole thing will shake. LOL. that's basically it. haha. i went all the way to bras basar with erhem..tahan the whole way...and spent 10 bucks on the styrafoam ball...and's the same ball that was in the airport picture previously..haha only not yet completed then la.. (:

my personal favourite. i stayed up doing this all of last 3D HEART's a mze thing the kids will go thru with some activity solve puzzle and watch video then find their way out. IT LOOKS LIKE A HEART RIGHT??? haha.. i love this.

tt's all. (:


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