Wednesday, April 12, 2006

haven't blogged for so long. no mood. no muse. nothing to write. i mean life has been much the same so far. nothing really exciting happens except during the times i spent with God i mean that's a different thing altogether. somehow i find it tough to link it all together. anyways, schools been all boring and same. full of HW and more tests and basically lots of preparation for the MYEs. argh. so sian. seriously need something wild to spark me up. just did dance for bizz @ school. ha. i think i totally look stupid dancing..had a nice chat on sunday with someone and it well, sort of took the load off me for awhile. like you know, just talking makes you forget about stuff. and like the whole of last week i kept sleeping so super early. i was totally dead beat. like going to bed at 10! is really amazing. last week's 2.4km run, so sad, timing was BAD! like 50 whole secs slower than last year. all thanks to me not eating breakfast and getting gastric. silly me! i was just asking for trouble. and today had e maths common test and chem test. like i so totally didn't know how to do chem! i was just stuck there at the first qn! like hey! i studied. alot. and well, i got the stuff in my head but nothing came out when it had to! aaaaaahhhh. so frustrating. well i guess this can't be the place i rant. nothing good ever comes out of anything being written here anyway. i don't even see why anyone should read this stuff. it's pure crap i say. it is crap. well, u know what? it's someone's birthday today and guess what..i don't care! ha. ok wait. that's so mean. i sent and e-card. that's better. but all it said was happy birthday. no emotions conveyed..but well..i didn't give a thought about it. if the person so doesn't want to change so be it. God deals with such people himself. there really isn't anything i can do about it. nope. nothing at all. probably only small hints, but they never work, right?? ..tmr's meet-the-parents and like my bio tchr's going to talk to my mum? it doesn't make sense. he doen't even know me except that i'm his student who sits in the front row during prac and talks to hanwei during lesson and laughs alot with her. what could he possibly say? i mean my bio's ok. it's not bad. i'm not like failing it or anything..argh. but then again there's nothing i can do about it. again. nothing. then what can i do? all i can think about nowadays is just school and sleep. so stereotyyped. so downright typical. i must get out of this typicality cycle. it stiffens me. need to go out the thaw and get all energized and loosened up! yea!


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